Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Vent

Here is what I don't understand.

My son has Autism and ideally would benefit from 40 hours worth of therapy and no matter what therapy I go with, it needs to be intensive, meaning a lot of hours per week. He is practically 2 years behind his peers in development. Research shows that early intervention works. So how do I get 40 hour of early intervention?

1. My school district is horrible and don't even provide 40 hours of therapy anyway. I tried to fight them, but started to get in the hole financially.
2. We don't have money to pay privately. I don't have the earning potential to pay the hefty costs of private therapy; I just don't. Therapy runs anywhere from 50-125 per hour where I live. My son needs ABA, Speech and Occupational Therapy.
3. Where on earth can I carve out 40 hours of my week to give him therapy by myself. I have no support here. How can I cook, clean, and give him therapy in one day. Not to mention, I don't know what I am doing anyway. I tried to apply for respite and was turned down here. I tried looking for childcare to help me out, but the teens here want at least $15 dollars per hour and most want $18 per hour.

I have no friggin clue what to do now. I cannot believe I live in the United States with these conditions. What are parents suppose to do? The medical profession is not helping, they could care less. I am in tears because my son is going to be lost without therapy. 5 or 6 hours per week of mommy therapy is not going to close his developmental gap. He will improve but he will not catch up to his peers this way. I don't want my child in an institution relying on shitty state services for the rest of his life.

Any federal or state funding grants will not be enough to pay for gas for the month let alone therapy.

I cannot describe the feeling of watching your child just stay stagnant at a developmental level and you are not able to do anything to help him.

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